Services & Prices

Curriculum Writing Support Package

Working with teachers and administrators to develop, align, and pace units and assessments to support performance on state testing. This package includes ongoing quarterly teacher support for two school years to ensure best practices and use of the units. Note that with this package, your district owns the finished curriculum product.

1 Calendar School Year

Curriculum Audit Package

An in-depth assessment of curriculum, both purchased boxed and teacher-written units, that you currently use to identify the gaps and help teachers understand how best to use it in alignment with Missouri Learning Standards. Degrees of rigor based on grade level will also be addressed to make certain students are getting the appropriate level to perform best on Missouri MAP/EOC tests. On-going teacher/admin support is included in this package, as needed.

1 month from receiving curriculum in its entirety

Full Curriculum Package

Providing full curriculum for any grade level and subject matter that is guaranteed to be aligned to Missouri Learning Standards with rigor in mind. This package includes rubrics, pacing, learning targets, and unit topic options. One year of teacher support is included to help teachers implement and provide quality teaching and learning. Note that the curriculum included in this package is owned by Education ARC and will be managed as a subscription with yearly updates to meet new needs and requirements.

1 Calendar School Year

All packages are customizable. All fees are in USD. Prices vary based on needs.


Phone: 636-358-3411 OR 417-349-2172
